Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Tiiiiiiiime.

Little things keep happening that make it more and more real that Baby will be here sooner than later.

For example: This is the last Christmas, ever, that J and I won't have him or her spending it with us, at least until he or she has their own family or whatever...But you get what I mean!

Every little thing from here on out will be that way, time will be judged soon by what age Baby was, and before the arrival it will be sorted out by saying, only Blank amount of weeks, or days until Baby is here.

The bigger I am getting, the more and more I am reminded by everyone how close it is, and the more questions about the preparations or plans after birth I have for the little bambino. "Where are you delivering?" "Boy or Girl?" "Who's the doctor?" "How did you get pregnant?" "Pre-School?" "Where are you registered?" "Have you considered the whooping cough vaccine?" "Will you breastfeed? How long?" "Can I rub your belly?" "Do you and J still have sex?" SERIOUSLY?!

These are the questions that I get at least 3 of every day I walk out of the house. Fun, Right? And I know only more are to come once Baby is actually here.

Either way, it's a constant reminder that I am WITH CHILD. So with Christmas quickly approaching, all I can say when asked what we want or need are THINGS FOR BABY! Diapers, onesies, carseats, blankets, wipes, anything Baby! I have a very loving, and giving group of family and friends around me, who, I love them, but are NOT listening...

I swear that is what we want and need.

But we will see... I am just excited, because after Christmas comes New Years, then a week later my first shower, a week after that, my second, and then a week or two after THAT I will be on leave, then Valentines Day, then two weeks later is the big due date!! :)

We have a TON to look forward to, and Chrsitmas is just the beginning.

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