Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Tiiiiiiiime.

Little things keep happening that make it more and more real that Baby will be here sooner than later.

For example: This is the last Christmas, ever, that J and I won't have him or her spending it with us, at least until he or she has their own family or whatever...But you get what I mean!

Every little thing from here on out will be that way, time will be judged soon by what age Baby was, and before the arrival it will be sorted out by saying, only Blank amount of weeks, or days until Baby is here.

The bigger I am getting, the more and more I am reminded by everyone how close it is, and the more questions about the preparations or plans after birth I have for the little bambino. "Where are you delivering?" "Boy or Girl?" "Who's the doctor?" "How did you get pregnant?" "Pre-School?" "Where are you registered?" "Have you considered the whooping cough vaccine?" "Will you breastfeed? How long?" "Can I rub your belly?" "Do you and J still have sex?" SERIOUSLY?!

These are the questions that I get at least 3 of every day I walk out of the house. Fun, Right? And I know only more are to come once Baby is actually here.

Either way, it's a constant reminder that I am WITH CHILD. So with Christmas quickly approaching, all I can say when asked what we want or need are THINGS FOR BABY! Diapers, onesies, carseats, blankets, wipes, anything Baby! I have a very loving, and giving group of family and friends around me, who, I love them, but are NOT listening...

I swear that is what we want and need.

But we will see... I am just excited, because after Christmas comes New Years, then a week later my first shower, a week after that, my second, and then a week or two after THAT I will be on leave, then Valentines Day, then two weeks later is the big due date!! :)

We have a TON to look forward to, and Chrsitmas is just the beginning.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Registry Blues

Oh, woe is me, who has the task of going to stores with a scanner and selecting every little thing I could want for my child and waiting for them to magically appear at little-to-no cost to me! What a terrible life I have....

Okay, so it's amazing, we live in a world of so many conveniences and I personally live a life with so many loving, and giving people that want to help and welcome Baby. But, being a person that has trouble asking someone for a glass of water, and add in that I have absolutely NO idea what is really necessary, or unnecessary at that, this task of registering for the baby is pretty hard. Sure it's easy to go through and pick out the cute-est prints, the most eco-friendly options, or things that I know we will need like diapers... but what about all of those little wash cloths? How many? What size? Or don't even get me started on breast pumps and even scarier...the bottles and accessories. YIKES!

Being someone who plans on solely breastfeeding, and pumping only when I absolutely have to, for a long while, it seems strange to ask for a $200 pump, or very many bottles at that. But then, what if something changes, what if I can't breastfeed? What if I can't do it? What if, what if, what IF?!

So then I tried to focus on all of the easier, or at least seemingly-easier, options, like diapers. Easy-peezy, right? Nope. Which of the billion + brands is best? I am told nobody uses newborn sizes for long at all, give it a week, maybe... But, what about preemies? Then that's an ADDITIONAL size to add to the list, plus the newborn sizes will probably last a bit longer if that case becomes a reality... Right?

Needless to say, going through and registering, then editing, then re-registering... Was not the easiest of tasks when you break it down. Every baby is different, and every mother is different. So going to Babies R Us and following their (obviously sponsored by formula companies and intended to get you to buy way more than necessary) guidelines isn't going to work for every one of us who gets instantly excited to be able to park in the V.I.P. "Stork Parking" spaces.

I guess we will just have to see.. I will surely post updates after the showers, and I know it will be a continuing process after, and once I get into the hang of things with Baby.

Wish us luck!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Love & Happiness.

I am now officially waiting to spend the rest of my life with an amazing man. He did it perfectly, perfectly embarrassing, and as sweet as I could imagine.

Waiting to ask me on my favorite holiday, appropriately dressed as a bride and groom, he took my breath away and almost made me cry.

I am so happy to share my love with such a special, loving person. I can't wait for all the things to come. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Falling Back In Love With Fall

In California we get our cooler seasons a little later than most, usually. This year, like the past few, have been pretty wishy-washy as far as Mother Nature has been concerned. In the middle to end of September we suddenly had cold, rainy days with no sunshine in site, this however, only lasted about 4 days. Now, for the first time since, after waiting all October, throughout Halloween, we finally got our cold weather back. I am a happy camper.

Fall has always pretty much been my favorite time of year, but after a beautiful Summer, filled with a lot of me staying out of the sun and heat due to my pregnancy, I was a pretty sad hot-weather-hermit for a few months. So now, to finally have some weather that my body can be comfortable in and my clothes can be a little more comfy without me sweating my ass off, I am ecstatic!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Musical Womb

Who decides the music you love? You.

Easy answer, but I know it has a lot to do with the music you are raised on, or around. For me, I was lucky, I had my parents listening to BB King and Led Zeppelin, and my brothers listening to Nirvana and Wu-tang.

I don't remember a single weekend growing up whether it was at my family home, or a single parent home where, when cleaning, or showering, or driving into the city there wasn't music being blasted at the highest volume point on the stereo or record player. And forget about the countless times I tried stealing my brothers walkman to listen to the new Talib Kweli or Busta Rhymes Single. I would later lock myself in my room and either listen to an old cassette I found in my dad's case or record songs I liked off of the radio while I pretended to do homework in Jr. High.

Music is what single-hand-idly brought John and I together, liking each others Erykah Badu posts on Facebook or playing some Jimi Hendricks on our way to a date.

I can say, without a doubt, music is my greatest influence when it comes to fashion, political ideals, love-interests, and even friendships I have. With the importance music has on our lives I find that figuring out what to play and what not to play in the delivery room, and what will be playing next to my tummy for the next 4-5 months not to mention all of the mornings getting ready or car rides taking Baby to Preschool or the grocery store are some of the easiest, yet most important choices I am already considering.

My laptops speakers sit directing in front of my belly, and my list for birth music is growing everyday.

I hope that when my Baby isn't such a baby anymore, they can say, undoubtedly, like myself, that my parents shaped their musical taste for the better, and along with that, a ton of other decisions they are proud of.

So, for now... I will let the Black Keys lullaby Baby away in there. :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

"You're Really Going To Eat That?"

Yes, actually, now suck it!

That's the response I usually want to give to the person asking that question, you know, the same person who makes sure you are working out regularly, and know what's best for you and your unborn child? Yeah, that Bi#ch.

The funniest thing is that, the person on the other side of this is usually the same one who doesn't think I can lift a piece of tissue paper, and I should find out the gender of my child, and that I should get an epidural and do things as unnatural, medicated, (and potentially harmful and selfish) as possible when it comes to birth. But God forbid I even pick up a box of hair dye. Gasp! I am not smoking, doing drugs, or drinking, and I am not even eating deli meats or soft cheeses, so lay off!

I started this pregnancy at a higher weight than I wish I was, but other than a few minor injury-related health problems, (back issues pretty much) I have been told that I am as healthy as an ox, or rather a woman you would want having a baby. And in my 5 months of pregnancy I have only gained a mere 2 pounds, despite my ever growing baby. My heart rate, blood pressure, and over all health is great, so if I want to pick up a god-damned french fry, I will.

We all have that one person on a regular basis who loooooves to throw their opinion in there and make sure you know, that they know, what is best for you, even if they don't follow their own advice, but when you become pregnant, you suddenly have every one of those people who exists in this world finding you.

So, until my doctor or my health tells me otherwise, I will eat a few french fries, I will dye my hair every other month in a well ventilated area, and I will continue to tell you to "suck it" under my breath as you walk away.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Proud (baby) Mama!

As much as I am bummed that I will soon be seeing a lot less of J, I am very proud of him. He got a second job yesterday! So until he hears back from the full-timers we are crossing our fingers for, he will be an even harder-working daddy-to-be soon.

I am very proud of all the hard work he puts in just to try to make things easier on me and my pregnant ass. Also, this week we are finally doing the big, pride-killing, yet very important move. We will be living with his family until baby is here all to save for the next place and car. I am so thankful for all of the help we are getting from all ends. I am feeling like a very lucky lady right now.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Veggie Tales

After almost a full year of being back in my carnivorous ways, and 5 months pregnant, I am missing my Vegetarian, animal-friendly, feel-good (eating) lifestyle. I am the only on in my family, the only one of any relatively close friends and definitely the only one in my relationship who is or ever was even somewhat involved in a vegetarian lifestyle. And with already being criticized enough for not eating any cold cuts during this pregnancy, I am sure I will have a ton to stand up to, especially nearing the move-in date with J's family, all of whom are not vegetarians, when it comes to any of my family or friend's opinions if I decide to go back before the bun in the oven is done baking.

So I am a little torn. I want to be healthier and feel more at ease knowing I am not taking part in the many things wrong with the meat-industry, but... Is it worth it for the baby?

Everything I have read and all of the research I have found shows that as long as I balance out my diet with plenty of Iron, Calcium, and protein rich (non-meat) foods, I will be giving the baby more than enough juice to grow. Add to all of that the giant prenatal vitamins I have to shove down my easily-upset stomach every day and it sounds perfect.

There's my argument for the doubtful. But what about cravings?

I know, I know, if I am this passionate about it than they shouldn't be an issue, right? But have you ever had a pregnancy craving? My mother once had to run into the house to grab a spoonful of tartersauce just to be okay for a drive.

These bad boys can be serious. So, if I am a happy little animal loving veggie all over again, what happens when preggo-monster decides she wants a steak?! Will I be miserable, or take full advantage, only to backstep and have lived my veg. lifestyle all for nothing?

I am going on my next shopping spree only buying veg-friendly items, and hoping for the best, so we will see.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Clothed Confusion

Today, like most other days for the past month or two have been spent laying around in comfy sweats and loose T-Shirts. Why, you ask?


I can no longer button any pair of jeans I own, Most of my shirts are creeping up too high on my belly, and don't even start with my bras! Don't get me wrong, I am loving this bump for the most part, people are all happy and smiley when I tell them it's okay to rub it and everyone wants to know my entire plan, delivery, knowledge of the sex, what college the child will attend, etc. It's fun, but I swear if one more shirt rolls up over my belly or another underwire jabs into places I didn't even know existed, I am going to go crazy!

So the solution? Buy new clothes.
Fun, until you start adding up all of the costs, yikes!

Luckily I have had the privilege of my mother and a few friends give me a couple of pieces to get me by for going out or just to the grocery store, but let me tell you, as an employee of a company that requires pants, (jeans, slacks, etc.) and no sleeve-less shirts, living in the hotter portion of Northern California has not been too fun between the non-buttoned jeans and the extra heat I somehow acquire during this pregnancy.

So, if only my employer were cool with the leggings and over-sized maternity tank top, I would be set! Until then, or until Fall actually starts for us, I am going to have to suck it up and buy new clothes. Le' Siiiiiigh. At least there was a little rain today, maybe things won't be too bleak and uncomfortable for too much longer. Then again, Wednesday we are supposed to be back at 90°.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Little Bit Of History

Did you know that for a few years people actually didn't know what they were having until their baby was born?
Say What?!

Yes. It's true. I promise. There wasn't always a thing called ultrasounds or Medical Sonography! Yep, actually up until a little over 50 years ago, When you were pregnant, you had no idea what an ultrasound was! So unless you were using one of the Chinese Gender Charts, or crossing your fingers that your wedding band swung one way instead of another... You just had to wait.

So, please, would someone explain to me, why my choosing to not find out the sex of my child baffles the minds of 90% of the people I tell? I know there is always the argument of "Well, now you have the ability to find out, so why not?" Sure, sure... But we have the ability to do and find out a lot of things in life, but are they all good, or important? Would you really like to find out ahead of time when you were going to die, or what it feels like to try crack? Probably not.

My mother didn't know what I was going to be, or my two brothers. And I sure didn't come home to a room that said Mommy's Handsome man or Lady Killer all over. So my choice to wait it out, and keep one, true surprise shouldn't be to huge of a concept to wrap a head around, right? In fact, John and I just chose colors to go with our Neutral Pirate theme last night. And he, the very, heterosexual, non-girly male was the one to really pick it out! Aqua/ Teal, Purple, Black, and White! I was pretty unsure on the purple, but being it was his suggestion... I don't think it'll be too girly at all!

See! It's possible to go a whole 9 months and however many years before your child is born not knowing if he or she will be a little boy or girl! And I'm not even someone who LOVES surprises! Now let's just find that little kid some of these!

Welcome to Baby Mama Drama

Pregnancy and Motherhood is always a new experience. Sure, we might have a little bit of knowledge on the subjects from time to time, but how much does anyone really know? Being a first time, young, unexpected Mommy has and will have ups and downs and tons of learning. So this is my blog to share, experience, and laugh a little along the way with everyone.

If ever there was a time to document everything in hopes of narrowing the mistakes and trying to let yourself laugh it off a bit, it would be during parenting. So, with the support of a great soon-to-be-dad by my side and a million questions I am continually finding answers to thanks to Google, other moms, and now myself, Here goes EVERYTHING!