Friday, February 17, 2012

Wedding Bells

Yes, it's true.  I am officially a married! J and I tied the knot on Valentine's Day and I am so proud to call him my husband!  We did it the old fashioned way! 9 months pregnant and in a rush! HA! In reality, we just wanted to make sure we had everything taken care of before Baby gets here next month... And the small, fun, close-friends, reception afterward was the most beautiful, joyous time I have had in, well, ever.

I hope you all had a beautiful V-day, I know we did.

And thank you to my great friend, Michael, for the great pics! 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Maternity Pictures!

So I know I need to update this page REALLLLLLY REALLLLLLLY badly, and I have a few posts that I just haven't gotten around to posting, but I had to share the beautiful photos one of my best friends in this whole world, the talented, Mr. Michael Huynh took of J and I just yesterday....